Read about how why HUDDIG RAIL is the obvious choice for Rosenqvist Entreprenad, as well as other comments from our HUDDIG RAIL customers.

Versatility and comfort – the biggest advantages with HUDDIG
"The HUDDIG machine has a great standard and I love the variety of things I can do with it."

Sandra Åberg drives HUDDIG 1260C for CaLi
–The HUDDIG is challenging, you have to know how to use it in order to maximize your efficiency and make full use of the machine, which is a constant learning process.

Arne Martin drives Norway’s first HUDDIG 1260D Rail with driven railway wheels
Getting into a HUDDIG in the morning is like putting on your work clothes. The machine feels like an extension of my mind and the driving sensation is incredible.

“A HUDDIG makes the job more fun and challenging”
We have met Bill Truax, a HUDDIG operator with BNSF Railway in Sheridan Wyoming, USA, for a talk about his job and his relation to HUDDIG.

The HUDDIG machines are important players in the machine park for Spårentreprenören LK Gräv
Lars, "Lasse" Karlsson started Spårentreprenören LK Gräv in 1986 with a backhoe loader, specifically a VOLVO 646. The assignments came exclusively from electricity companies, and the company focused on utility work. In 2023, the company's first HUDDIG was acquired to complement the machine park, specifically a HUDDIG 1260C RAIL.