Nytorp finally receives their new HUDDIG 1260E
On September 23rd, Staffare in Hudiksvall delivered the awaited school machine to Nytorpcentrum, a brand new HUDDIG 1260E.

” We are all very excited to receive our first HUDDIG. We see a great demand for talented HUDDIG-drivers in the industry. Therefore, it feels extremely valuable that we can now train them in the latest model, Erik Segetorp, Teacher at the program Building and Construction says.
Huddig's school program gives schools the possibility to conclude contracts for different periods and thereby be able to continuously teach in the latest models. Nytorp's machine park, now supplemented with a excavator loader, thus further contributes to broadening the students' knowledge base.
” It’s our mission to make the students attractive in the labor market by giving them the experience of different types of machines. Thanks to Huddig's very favorable school agreement, we can now give them an even more varied education. HUDDIG machines are very common within line, railway, and service work and if you can handle a excavator loader you can work with many different tasks.
Several of the students' relatives drive HUDDIG and there is great interest in the new excavator loader.
” HUDDIG is the most versatile machine within the construction industry, and the students literally stand in line now to try it. The HUDDIG machine takes our machine park to the next level. I hope that more schools follow our example and invest in machines that reflect the work-life our students meet after graduation”, Erik concludes.