Malung-Sälens Elverk on HUDDIG 1370T TIGON after seven months in operation
In early December 2022, the world's first HUDDIG 1370T TIGON CABLE was delivered to Malung-Sälens Elverk in Sweden. Here, machine operator Simon Ernstsson talks about how he has experienced the machine over the past seven months.

"Something I like about the HUDDIG compared to other machine types is that I never have to consider terrain – I can drive straight into almost any area. TIGON also has 100% differential and individual control of each wheel, which means you practically have a constant grip. Thanks to this, I also experience a reduced turning radius, which is good as I often find myself in harsh terrain where I need to make tight turns."
Read the full customer case here.
Photo and Video: Per Nyberg, Malung-Sälens Elnät