

Huddig wins the two categories, Sustainability, and Innovation, at The Hylla Gala

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Hylla is a local gala whose primary purpose is to draw attention to successful businesses in Hudiksvall, Sweden. Huddig was nominated in the two categories - "HyllaGalan's Innovation" and "HyllaGalan's Sustainability Company." 

In the Innovation category, we took first place with the in-house developed hybrid concept Tigon Technology. The motivation for the award was "a business idea that is unique, innovative, and has great market and growth potential." Many years of work and collaboration lie behind being able to deliver the world's first full hybrid construction machine. Machines equipped with Tigon Technology can thus be run on electricity alone, fossil-free diesel (HVO) independently, or a mixture of the two. We are very happy about the acknowledgment. 

In the category of Sustainability companies, the motivation was that "the business idea should be industrial, actively work to reduce negative environmental impact and demonstrate commitment and innovative thinking in sustainability issues." Here we won partly with the innovation of TIGON but also for the deeply rooted internal sustainability work that permeates the entire business. 

We are incredibly proud of our competent employees, partners, and suppliers who make this possible, and we look forward to continuing the journey together. 

Read more about our sustainability work

Here is the appreciation speech from our CEO, Lars Lindahl (in Swedish).


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