

Huddig Matsal changes owner.

On Friday, July 5, Thomas Bäckman hands over the keys to Ann-Charlotte Stoltz, who becomes the new owner of Huddig Matsal. After the holidays, it will reopen on August 5.

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"With a warm hand, I hand over the keys to Ann-Charlotte, and I look forward to seeing her run Huddig Matsal," Thomas says.

Thomas Bäckman has run the canteen Huddig Matsal since 1988. Looking back, he feels grateful for the years he had at Huddig.

"We have had excellent customers and a great landlord. It is fantastic to have been able to work right in the heart of Huddig, and I am super happy to have spent most of my professional life here". Thomas continues.

Ann-Charlotte has been running Meteoriten in Hudiksvall for two and a half years. She has extensive experience in the restaurant industry and is now looking forward to taking over at Huddig Matsal.

"It will be exciting to run a larger company with more customers. We will continue in the same spirit with lunch service and catering. The basis will continue to be traditional Swedish food, but there will also be new flavors." Says Ann-Charlotte.

She is looking forward to opening the doors to Huddig Matsal again after the summer with the new team, which, in addition to herself, consists of Chef Gerald and kitchen assistant Jenny. Opening hours will be extended to 09:00-14:00, and special prices for pensioners will also be offered.

"We will maintain the good culture and community here and continue to run the dining room in the same spirit with a touch of newness. I look forward to taking on this challenge and meeting all new and old guests in Huddig Matsal." Ann-Charlotte concludes.


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