Customer Cases
“I love being a HUDDIG driver because of the machine's versatility, the joy of driving and the variety of work.”

“I love being a HUDDIG driver because of the machine's versatility, the joy of driving and the variety of work.”
Patrick Feltenmark was born and raised in Hoting, Sweden. At 17, he started as a railway worker and stayed in the industry. Twenty-six years later, he works as a HUDDIG driver for Willmans Försäljning AB in Luleå, something he says is largely thanks to Marcus Naessen at MNE Entreprenad and a hamburger.
"I had only listened to the hydraulics before, standing outside the machines when I was working on the track, and thought to myself that I wanted to test-drive," Patrick says.
Marcus Naessen, the owner and founder of MNE, the contractor who carried out the actual sleeper replacement in the project Patrick helped out in as a railway worker, asked him to carry out a sleeper replacement, while he himself watched and ate a hamburger.
“I got into the machine and started changing a few sleepers. "You have a talent for this, I'll talk to your boss and see if you can get some training." Marcus said. “Said and done, and since that day I have hardly ever left the cab. I have Marcus to thank for that, that he saw the potential in me and let me try," Patrick says.
Patrick loves being a HUDDIG driver because of the machine's versatility, the joy of driving and the variety of work.
“A HUDDIG is an all-purpose machine. You can clear bushes and trees, drive off-road, change sleepers, act as a service machine, perform graveling, snow removal, excavation... everything. Right now, I'm driving a HUDDIG 1260E, model year 2022, with only 910 hours. It's a real gem and I like to do different tasks all the time.”
Another plus with the work on the tracks according to Patrick is the hard-to-beat working view around Norrland.
“I worked a lot between Gällivare and Boden for a period of time, where there are fantastic views. Right now I work mainly in Luleå where it is also very beautiful. It is a big plus in everyday life to work in such wonderful nature, Patrick concludes.”