Customer Cases
HUDDIG 1260D is the optimal service machine

Tobias Nilsson has been running his company TN Grävtjänst AB since 2018. With his multifunctional HUDDIG 1260D, he performs several different types of work tasks with just one machine.
Tobias has worked in the construction industry for 11 years and from time to time he has had problems with a recurring muscle inflammation in his shoulder. For a period, he worked on the railway and drove a Huddig machine, which resulted in the symptoms disappearing. When he then started his own company and drove another machine type in 2018, the problems returned and drastically got worse. After a long period of pain in muscles and joints, it hurt for him to hold the large levers and maneuver the machine.
“Since the levers are relatively long and large in other machine types, there was too much movement for my shoulder every day. For a period, I basically lived on painkillers and felt that my situation was not sustainable”, Tobias says.
The solution then became a HUDDIG 1260B which Tobias bought from the dealer Staffare in Hudiksvall. Today he can perform his work without worrying about shoulder pain thanks to the machine's smooth hydraulics and soft steering system based on short movements.
“After I started driving HUDDIG, the pain slowly disappeared. During the working days I was not in pain at all, which was a new and pleasant experience for me. The excavator loader is incredibly easy to maneuver and easy to control. I feel very comfortable in the driver's seat, and I feel that I have extra good control when I dig close to people and house walls. The machine responds to the slightest movement, and the ergonomically designed control levers let my shoulder relax.
In September 2021, Tobias switched to a HUDDIG 1260D, which has further contributed to improving his work environment and the service to his clients.
“Huddig always manages to improve every machine model. The D model is even smoother, stronger, and very easy to drive. It feels awesome to trade my old machine for something better and I look forward to continuing to work with many different types of assignments as I do today.”
According to Tobias, HUDDIG is the optimal service machine because it can be used for many different types of work. On behalf of Tyresö/Stockholm municipality in Sweden, he is currently working on the expansion of water pipes and sewers.
“I use the excavator loader to perform earthmoving, loading trucks with masses, dig ditches, put curbs in place and lay support edges for asphalt backfilling. The work runs smoothly with my machine, and I work at comfortable sound levels.
Tobias also considers his purchase as a long-term investment and emphasizes the importance of changing machines regularly to get a good resale value.
“Huddig is the market leader in precision hydraulics and driver comfort. I chose to buy a HUDDIG because the machine can be used for very varied jobs and has great resale value. In addition, it is easier to get a job with a multifunctional machine”, Tobias concludes.