Read why HUDDIG is the obvious choice for Simon at Malung-Sälens Elverk and other comments from our HUDDIG CABLE customers.

Malung-Sälens Elverk on HUDDIG 1370T
In early December 2022, the world's first HUDDIG 1370T TIGON CABLE was delivered to Malung-Sälens Elverk in Sweden. Here, machine operator Simon Ernstsson talks about how he has experienced the machine over the past seven months.

"HUDDIG CABLE is the ultimate utility machine."
Benjamin Eriksson started driving HUDDIG when he was 19. After several years as an employee, he took the step to become self-employed and bought his first HUDDIG 1260 in 2015, and later a HUDDIG 1260D. In 2021, he bought his latest machine, a HUDDIG 1260E. In addition, there are three other construction machines in the company.

"Excellent hydraulics, high versatility, and strength make us invest in HUDDIG."
Mats Sjöstedt runs the company Sjöstedts Åkeri in Härnösand, Sweden, with his brother. The company has been in the family since their grandfather's time, and the first HUDDIG machine purchased was a HUDDIG 960 in the 1985 model. Since then, the company has grown, and the HUDDIG models have changed. Two new HUDDIG 1370 with LIFT 2200 were recently delivered to the company.

Pelle Lundqvist at LMJ linjebyggnad switched from HUDDIG 1260E to HUDDIG 1370 CABLE
We have talked to Pelle Lundqvist, machine driver at LMJ Linjebyggnad, who recently switched from a HUDDIG 1260E to a HUDDIG 1370 CABLE. Here he tells us what he thinks of the updates in the new model.

SO Bergman Entreprenad put a personal touch on their new HUDDIG 1370 CABLE
Kevin Nygren, machine operator at SO Bergman Entreprenad, tells us more about the new HUDDIG 1370 CABLE and how he was involved in the design.

Two machines become one when Skarptegen Entreprenad invests in a HUDDIG 1370 CABLE
Skarptegen's history with HUDDIG began with the model 1160. After this, both a HUDDIG 1260 and a HUDDIG 1260C were acquired. They have now replaced both 1260 models with the latest model HUDDIG 1370.

World-class hydraulics make HUDDIG CABLE unbeatable in utility work
Emanuel Persson is in his ninth year as a HUDDIG driver. Growing up, there were two large farms in his family, run by his uncles, and he says he "always wanted to see and drive anything with a motor."

High demands on hydraulics and versatility makes Calle continue to choose HUDDIG
Calle has run Lindbergets Bruksmaskiner AB since 2017 and currently has four employees. The company's primary focus is line-work, where they, among other things, perform the replacement of line poles and service jobs.

Cable work all year round – regardless of season and ground conditions
Tero Huoponen runs the company Huoponen Tero, based in Nummi, Finland. With his HUDDIG 1260D, he performs cable work all year round, regardless of season and ground conditions. Tero Huoponen was 20 years old when he decided to buy his first backhoe loader and start his own business. Today he thrives in his HUDDIG.

Stefan Löfvenborg has had a burning machine interest since he was 7
”I crawled around in the bushes and looked at the machines. When I then got the offer from the drivers to sit with them in the cab and watch the work, all free time and every summer holiday were spent in the machines until I trained as a machine driver myself and started working. I am simply born a machine driver, Stefan laughs.”