Nils Andersson

As a toolmaker at Huddig, Nils Andersson manufactures custom made fixtures. With a great passion for innovation and problem solving, he creates fixtures that are required in the assembly of a HUDDIG – one of the world's most advanced construction machines.
Nils Andersson has been working as a toolmaker at Huddig since 2017. With over 30 years of experiences in the field, he plays a crucial role in the manufacturing of our excavator loaders.
Fixtures are workpieces used to hold or lift parts that are to be assembled, mounted or machined.
“We manufacture different types of fixtures from scratch at our factory in Hudiksvall. To be able to build world-class excavator loaders, you’ll need custom made fixtures that simply doesn’t exist.”
The work of a toolmaker
Nils is thriving at Huddig and today he considers himself happy that he has managed to find a profession that has suited him so well throughout the years.
“Our working environment is incredible in many ways. The workshop is so nice and clean, it’s almost hard to believe your eyes when you enter the welding department. It is a noise-free environment with a pleasant sound level, which I appreciate a lot.”
Huddig's tool department manufactures welding fixtures, machining fixtures and lifting fixtures.
“At my department we realize the constructors' drawings and ideas by building different types of fixtures. We usually manufacture according to their drawings, but sometimes we sketch on our own. It’s a very fun job that requires a lot of thoughts and reflections.”
"Problems are ment to be solved"
There is no doubt about Nils' passion for inventions and problem solving. Recycling and sustainability are two issues that he keeps close to his heart. According to Nils, you should always try to fix broken things – instead of throwing them away and buying new ones.
“At the tool department, we try to take care of materials that can be re-used as often as possible. I don’t like to throw away things and I think it is important to recycle for the sake of the environment. If something breaks, I like to spend some time figuring out solutions and think about what I can do to fix it. Problems are meant to be solved,” says Nils and shrugs humbly.”
Annual inspection of lifting fixtures
To prevent work accidents and ensure a safe and secure work environment, Huddig's lifting fixtures are inspected annually.
“I am responsible for the annual inspection of all Huddig's lifting fixtures. Lifting fixtures are used, for example, to lift out and insert mechanical details into the excavator loader. By measuring and analyzing a number of test liftings, we ensure that the lifting fixtures work properly. Sometimes a detail can weigh several tons, then it is extremely important that the lifting device has the right center of gravity so that no accidents occur.”
Huddig invests in in-house production of fixtures
The toolmaker profession is today described as an endangered profession. More and more companies in the industry choose to buy services from suppliers instead of having their own workshops. Huddig have chosen a different direction.
“The first time I visited Huddig, I was very impressed because I noticed that the company really invests in the tool department. The inhouse manufacturing of fixtures ensures good quality, makes Huddig quite unique,” Nils concludes.