Fredrik Enberg, Spare Parts Seller
Spare Parts Seller

After 17 years as a welder at Huddig, of which the last four years as quality manager for the welding department, Fredrik Enberg now enters a new role as Spare Parts Seller. As of August 14, 2023, he is responsible for order management and administration of spare parts to Huddig's authorized service providers nationally and internationally.
His experience and knowledge of the product from the welding department where he has worked on HUDDIG machines in all its stages through the entire production line will be helpful in the new role.
"I know the company and the product well after my years on the floor, which is very valuable in my new role," Fredrik says.
"I applied for this role to see another side of the company, get new challenges and perspectives, and learn something new. It also feels good to have external contact, one step closer to the end customers." He continues.
High-quality spare parts and an optimized service interval also increase the life span of the machines, an essential part of Huddig's sustainability work.
"From a sustainability perspective, the customer gets increased resale value and operational optimization through excellent service. It feels inspiring to enter my new role, and I look forward to working closely with the service providers", Fredrik concludes.